
Friday, June 22, 2012

Will HSUS Lobbying Squash Rescue Groups?

The dog-breeding community is up in arms over a proposed rule from the USDA that would change licensing requirements for selling animals. Essentially, we read the rule to be like this: If you sell pets, you need to allow buyers come to your premises personally to observe the animal before purchase, or get a federal license and allow the USDA to inspect your business. Hobby breeders with four or fewer breeding animals would be exempt.  The main idea is to clamp down on “puppy mills” that sell dogs over the internet or phone. But could the regulations rope in more than just the bad guys?  Before the formal commenting period opening on the proposal, the USDA held a Q&A conference call for interested parties to ask questions, since this is a volatile issue. A speaker from the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association asked the USDA if shelters and rescues would also come under the regulations. Read More! (HumaneWatch June 20, 2012).

1 comment:

  1. “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” Rescue groups need to wake up and realize that the goal of animal rights activists is not fewer dogs in shelters but the end of all domestic animals. They don’t want to save dogs & cats they want to deny you the right to own a dog or cat.

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